Thursday, March 27, 2008

Angered Again

Scroll down for the updates

Anger. This is the emotion which I experience as I write this. The death toll increases every few minutes as I hear of one blast after the another. About five hours after the last blast, the death toll just keeps increasing. I ask for updates every fifteen minutes, praying the figure has stabilized. I am afraid its not.

Enough is enough. Taking a soft stand on the terror issue is unacceptable. During the tenure of the current Prime Minister we have seen Ayodhya attack, Delhi Blasts, IISc attack, numerous attacks in Srinagar and now Mumbai blasts.

Tomorrow morning we will hear of Mumbai’s resilience as it will get back on its feet. But the damage cannot be undone. The fear in the minds of people cannot be undone.

This incident will make sure that the religious line on which people are divided will make the chasm wider. The forces working to create a discord in communal harmony are working with zeal. I wonder when will the Government and the Intelligence.

Every single time we have heard the Centre condemning the blasts/attacks with the Prime Minister and his coterie’s heart reaching out and grieving for all those affected. A promise of firm resolution in working to defeat the evil designs of terrorists and not allowing them to succeed (after they have succeeded?). Mr. Prime Minister, how long are we going to hear this?

Update: Am still in no state of replying to comments. I have no idea why. Will reply to comments in some time, till then let the comments flow in...

Update 2 (July 13): Is This and the other side making us confused in terms of our reaction? How does one deal with the 'actual' problem? It gives mixed signals. What should one believe and how much can one trust? Questions keep popping up in my head. I am not sure if I make any sense at all.

Originally posted on Tuesday, July 11, 2006 10:52 PM

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