Monday, June 16, 2008

Independence And Freedom

As I left for work today morning at 6.30 AM (now don't ask what I do), I saw police everywhere.
With the terror threat that we are under, I would say that the security was unprecedented. After every kilometer or so, there were police check posts. They stopped all cars, checked inside the car as well as the baggage, asked a few questions and then let the people go. For the ten kilometers or so which I travelled, I had never seen so many police personnel on the route.
It just got me thinking that even if we are free from colonial rule, we are living in the shadow of terrorism. Which brings me to the question - Is freedom ever absolute?


And on a completely different note, you all can check out my new photo blog


Also, check out the shady version of delhi bloggers meet

Originally posted on Tuesday, August 15, 2006 8:52 AM

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