Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Disjoint Thoughts

If you peak in my head, these are just some things you will find scrambling across the brain of this eccentric twenty somebody at this point of time. Wonder if they make sense :)

Nobody said that moving on is easy.

The eternal optimist that I am, I believe that what happens, happens for the best.

Sometimes things don't happen the way you plan them and when you are caught unaware, your life turns upside down.

But there is order in chaos.

Moving on and running away are two different things. Sometimes we think that both are same. If you don't differentiate, you can't move on and get stuck in a time warp.

When you want to live your our safe world (the cocoon) and not venture out, something has to happen which will force you to come out. And turn everything upside down. Like a ship in stormy seas. And till the calm prevails, you will be fighting to get a semblance of life. Once you touch the shore and feel the ground beneath your feet, everything will be alright.

I am not an adventurer by choice but by fate said Vincent van Gogh. I second that.

I read somewhere that some people come into your life for a reason and when their job is done they go away.

The pain always fades and then comes a time you don’t feel it anymore.


Originally posted on Monday, March 13, 2006 12:08 PM

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