Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Do They Make This Kind Anymore?

This post is dedicated to a friend. Somehow after participating in the blog-a-thon and reading experiences of so many women and men across the board, my thoughts flew to you.

It seems appropriate that I dedicate this post to a guy, who at the risk of been a social outcast would not disrespect women. He would not be the part of the 'cool gang' or try to 'fit in' with the rest of guys because these so called cool people would do ‘cool’ things like disrespecting women. Because sometimes words, roving eyes and the vibes can be as violating as a dirty physical touch.

I have called you ‘uptight’ at times. Asked you why you can't gel around with people. But you just shrugged it off saying you have better things to do.

I have respected you for being that guy who would not succumb to peer pressure. Whose one look would quiet anyone. Who practices what he preaches. Who respects women the old fashioned way. Yet treats them like an equal.

You may not be the chivalrous man, always teasing that since men and women are equal, I should pay for our meal. This been the only argument I have ever lost. I can proudly say today that I know a person like you.

I wonder if they make ‘em like you anymore.

Orignally posted on Wednesday, March 08, 2006 4:31 PM

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