Monday, November 19, 2007


Someone is shot dead in front of hundreds of people, witnesses dont remember this because of collective amnesia and the accused walk scot free. No its not a script of any Hindi masala movie.

Its reality.

Jessica Lal, a model was killed seven years ago, the witnesses turned hostile in the courts of this country, the judges said that there was ‘lack of evidence’ and all the nine accused have been acquitted.

It is not coincidental that the accused were politically well connected and powerful people. I cannot say anything against the judgment of the Court because I shall be held in contempt of court. But I can ask a few questions, hoping that someone can answer these-

If this is how the system works, the rich and the powerful can twist their way around, why the hell was the system created?

Does the common man stand a chance?

Can we rely on the system anymore?

How do the hostile witnesses and the alleged killers sleep at night? With no feeling of guilt?

What is this world coming to?

Imagine the kind of message it gets across. That it is acceptable to commit a crime because I can get away with it? That the system will 'protect' me. Loss of life is just a byproduct of the heinous crime and nothing more.

Since our childhood it is ingrained in our psyche that ‘Truth Shall Prevail’ and the law of this country makes sure that justice prevails. A judgment like this has left me disillusioned and pissed off.

P.S: I hope all the killers rot in Hell. Because in this lifetime they are walking freely on earth.

Also read Savy's post for more.....

Update 1: Sorry for not replying to comment on time. Just neck deep in work. Will reply soon. Till then cheers, take care and keep coming by and commenting ... hugs to all ....

Update 2: Someone mentioned to me in the comments section to keep quiet and accept this because its NOT going to make a difference if we raise our voice. To that person and everyone who thought that this was a lost cause, the case has been reopned. We the people of THIS country have done our bit, the media has done its bit. Now hopefully the government machinary will do its bit. So that we don't lose hope.

Originally posted on Wednesday, February 22, 2006 1:38 PM

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