Monday, November 19, 2007

The Day I Landed On Planet Earth

At mid night the phone calls began and the SMSs started flowing in. Till 4th I wasn't feeling too excited with age catching up and I don't even look that old :D

But the phone calls and the messages got me all exicted. My friend had come over on 4th night and we spent some time doing what girls do best. Don't get any ideas, we were catching up on girlie talk, taking about our teenage years (and the crushes, tution, school, college) and bitching about bosses and colleagues.

Finally I went to sleep but kept getting calls and missed calls from my friends till about 4 in the morning. Messaged my one of my friend in my sleep. I have no idea what I wrote! My friends were coming over to spend a lazy sunday at my place (all working people can't afford to stay up late on Sunday night) and they were excited. Got up at 9.00 in the morning with more wishes from old school and college friends. Was pleasently surprised that so many people remebered my b'day :)

By 10.30 we dragged ourselves out of the bed and were roaming around in the home in our payjamas, unruly hair and sleepy eyes :D :D Got threatening calls from friends that they are landing up at my place in half and hour so decided to take a bath coz I didn't want them to get scared.

Checked out my blog and read comments by some of you. It was kinda sweet. Told my family about it. The feel good mood began by this time.

By 12.15 people started trickling in. By 1.00 everyone including assorted relatives, child hood friend and college friends had turned up. The young people sat together and the oldies were chatting amongst themselves. We all sat, taking in the sun, eating paranthas, butter, dahi, pulao, paneer, choley and stuff... (no non-veg at my place) courtsey mommy.

My friends had got the cake for me. The icing on the cake(and I mean this literally not metamorphically) read:

Dear Banput,
Wishing you Happy B'day

Now my name is not banput. I am half baniya and half rajput, hence the nick name banput. Not to say my parents had a hearty laugh on reading it. As for me? I got my photo taken with the cake :D

Then we listened to Bryan Adams (the next best thing) after I told everyone to buy me plane tickets and ticket to his concert as b'day present. Which by the way, no body got for me. We all chilled out and since I don't know how to make tea, one of my friends made it for all of us. By late evening the party broke up. But I was in a feel good state for a long time after that and today I am in no mood for working :D :D

Hope the boss doesn't decide to chuck me out....

Update: Happy Valentines day to all you people :)

Originally posted on Monday, February 06, 2006 12:45 PM

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