Saturday, November 10, 2007

I Search, Therefore I Am

Everything is an illusion. Created by man or God? Through smoke and mirror I search for something. I think it is truth I seek. What is an illusion and what is reality. The lines have blurred and one mixes with another.

In search of answers, I read the scriptures. The religious text I read is truth? No. When I read the interpretation, I realize it is distorted by different people to suit their needs.

I read the scripture and search for my answers. I find something. Yet another person finds something else. We are all searching for our truth. We all find different things in the same. So how can it be truth if it is subjective? If it is relative?

With a thousand questions running in my head, I blurt out my dilemma to someone. A wise old man tells me that there is nothing like absolute truth.

Then what is it? The opposite of absolute is relative. But if it is relative, then my truth is another man’s lie. And if it is someone else’s lie how can it be truth. I am not sure if I make sense or if anyone understands my dilemma.

But what I look for, I shall find. My faith in God tells me so. It is not absolute it is not nothing. It is something. Undefined. Because if something is relative, it cannot be zilch. Zero. Nada. Nothing. I don’t know what I am searching for. All I know is when I find it will make sense.


This post may not make sense to fellow bloggers and readers. These are just rantings of a crazy person

Originally posted on Monday, January 16, 2006 11:50 AM

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