Saturday, November 10, 2007

Man O Man!!!

So I am tagged thanks to Tejbir, Sanjeev and Dirty Doggy

8 different points seem like a very difficult task. I don’t think that a perfect man exists (and it’s a myth :) but I’ll try my best.

The list for a mythical man is as follows -

He has to give me my space, let me be and accept me as I am. He shouldn’t try and change me. He should be like the ‘wind beneath my wing’. Let me fly. Rest assured I’ll come back to him.

He has to mentally stimulate me i.e. he has to be well read and should be able to hold forth on a range of topics from art to literature to politics.

He has to live with my idiosyncrasies. He should be able to tolerate my moods, cribbing, rantings and ravings.

I have friends of different shapes, size, caste, colour, creed and he has to tolerate them. If not all, them some. :D :D

Which brings to the next point that he should be secure and self confident. He should be able to speak his mind and be straight forward. Am I asking for too much?

He should be adventurous, impulsive and be able to surprise me; be ready to pack his bags at a moment’s notice or whisk me away for an unplanned holiday or anything like this.

He has to be a good cook and help me look after kids and generally help in house work.

Make me smile when I am upset. This means he has to be funny and cute and have a sense of humour.

In conclusion such a man doesn’t exist…par hope par duniya kayam hai

Almost everyone is tagged, so I’ll try and tag some people who haven’t come out with their list.

i_otta, Saba (My Memories), SKJ, Konfusd, Deeps (ketharaju), Pluto and anybody else who may want to tag him/herself…

Instructions: 1. The tagged victim has to come up with 8 different points of their perfect lover.
2. Need to mention the sex of the target.
3. Tag atleast 8 victims to join this game & leave a comment on their comments saying they’ve been tagged.
4. If tagged the 2nd time, there’s no need to post again.

P.S: Wishing everyone a Happy Republic Day

Update: Hey everyone I'll be a little irregular on o3 because work responsibilities have increased though I'll sneak in and read your posts and drop a line as well :) Till then wishing everyone a rocking time. Hugs and cheers to all :)

Originally posted on Wednesday, January 25, 2006 12:48 PM

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