Saturday, February 23, 2008

Didnt Think I Would. But I Did.

Fifty Posts. Eight Months. I didn’t think I would last this long.

When I started to write, I didn’t know what shape my blog would take. Will it be my personal diary or will it be an amalgamation of thoughts. I never though I would comment on political or social issues. But then I never thought I would be sharing my disjoint thoughts with people I had never met and with whom I have a connection!

This fiftieth post is turning into a personal journey which I didn’t think it would. I was going to write something political. Well that’s reserved for some other time.

I don’t know if 50 is a milestone. But when I read my older posts, I feel that I have grown so much as a person (figuratively and not physically :D). And at times I wonder if I really wrote what I wrote! And whether it would be a pleasant surprise or shock if people in my real life ever come across my blog.

Well the journey continues as this zephyr quietly breezes across O3!

On a parting note, I have been asked about my pseudo name many times. Here's a little poem to explain it.

Feel me caress your cheeks
Or as I play with your hair
Let my warmth envelope you
Try not to control me
As not in a bottle can I be held
Neither in the fist of your palm
Let not this zephyr become a storm untamed
An elusive enigma let me remain

Originally posted on Tuesday, May 09, 2006 4:32 PM

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