Thursday, March 27, 2008

Drops of Romance

Bedraggled. Cold. Wet. But I still love rains.

Armed with the weapons of keeping myself dry (WKMD) - raincoat and umbrella, I still ended up getting soaked, making my colleagues wonder if I jumped into every single puddle on the way to the office. I lost the battle to the rain in the time I stepped out of the home to the time I got into an auto. But I am not complaining.


I remember my childhood days when I deliberately jumped into all the puddles while singing the song - Raindrops on roses... Rains have inspired poets and love songs and I wonder how in the world could Anu Malik come out with a song like - Its raining, dekho baarish ho rahi hai... It is the most pathetic rain inspired song I have ever heard in my entire life.
And as I look outside the window I see overcast skies, green trees and a hear a thunderstorm or two. Inside the office I can hear a news report about Lebanon. Which reminds me its time to stop dreaming and get back to work.
Post will be updated if I feel like adding something more.

Originally posted on Wednesday, July 26, 2006 11:48 AM

Being A Woman

This evening as I left work, I was in a good mood. It was drizzling slightly and I simply love the rains. I usually take an auto back home but I saw the bus approaching which goes to my home, I decided to hop in. Happy that it was mostly empty, I got a window seat in the left aisle and sat down.

Sitting behind me were two men, one who seemed half asleep and the other just sitting nonchalantly. As soon as I kept my rucksack (yes I carry a rucksack to work!) on my lap, I felt a hand move, trying to touch my back. Now living in a city like Delhi, you always feel that you are about to be groped, especially in a bus. I got a little wary though giving benifit of doubt to the men behind me. I mentally chided myself for imagining things as I continued to enjoy the scenery outside, lush green trees and a beautiful evening sky. Suddenly I felt a hand groping my back. Not a hand carelessly brushing past my back, a hand which purposely touched me. I turned back to address the culprit. One man was sitting with his hands folded and the other was asleep. I couldn't figure out who did that to me.

I turned towards my right now, almost facing the right aisle and in the corner of my eye I could see the movement of hands of both men. I was fuming from inside, feeling humiliated and treated like an object of someone's pleasure. Ten minutes later, the supposedly sleeping man did the same thing again.

Unable to control my fury, I got and up pulled his hair, so he could face me and slapped him. I told him to keep his hands to himself and after his protest that he was not doing anything wrong, I slapped him again. Everyone in the bus was looking at me, this was like a free ka tamasha for all and not a single person stood up to support me. Not that I expected anyone to.

After the fury subsided, I felt scared. What if he would have whipped out a knife or a pistol? What he comes tomorrow with four other men and tries to take 'revenge'? My pepper spray or karate moves will be of no help at all. Police inaction is well known too. It is this fear that mostly stops women from speaking out.

And even though incidents like this cannot break my spirit, as a woman living in this country I wonder how many will I feel violated and agonized? How many times will I retaliate and how many times will I fight? How many times will I keep quiet? Will I ever be able to use the public transport without feeling wary, without being on guard? Will I be able to walk on the streets without prying eyes looking at me? Will I ever be free?

P.S : I hope he learnt his lesson well and will never try to grope another woman ever. If he hasn't... there is no hope for this country.

You all can check out fellow blogger Blog C's post which is an offshoot of this post.

This post is part of Blank Noise's initiative for the International Women's Day 2007. For more check out their blog.

Originally posted on Thursday, July 20, 2006 9:06 PM

Angered Again

Scroll down for the updates

Anger. This is the emotion which I experience as I write this. The death toll increases every few minutes as I hear of one blast after the another. About five hours after the last blast, the death toll just keeps increasing. I ask for updates every fifteen minutes, praying the figure has stabilized. I am afraid its not.

Enough is enough. Taking a soft stand on the terror issue is unacceptable. During the tenure of the current Prime Minister we have seen Ayodhya attack, Delhi Blasts, IISc attack, numerous attacks in Srinagar and now Mumbai blasts.

Tomorrow morning we will hear of Mumbai’s resilience as it will get back on its feet. But the damage cannot be undone. The fear in the minds of people cannot be undone.

This incident will make sure that the religious line on which people are divided will make the chasm wider. The forces working to create a discord in communal harmony are working with zeal. I wonder when will the Government and the Intelligence.

Every single time we have heard the Centre condemning the blasts/attacks with the Prime Minister and his coterie’s heart reaching out and grieving for all those affected. A promise of firm resolution in working to defeat the evil designs of terrorists and not allowing them to succeed (after they have succeeded?). Mr. Prime Minister, how long are we going to hear this?

Update: Am still in no state of replying to comments. I have no idea why. Will reply to comments in some time, till then let the comments flow in...

Update 2 (July 13): Is This and the other side making us confused in terms of our reaction? How does one deal with the 'actual' problem? It gives mixed signals. What should one believe and how much can one trust? Questions keep popping up in my head. I am not sure if I make any sense at all.

Originally posted on Tuesday, July 11, 2006 10:52 PM

Airport Tales: Happens Only In India?

The other day I was at the Airport waiting to pick up someone. Here's something interesting I noticed.

Why do some people dress up like they are going to marriage when they fly? I saw women in chamki gaudy saris, insanely high heels and wearing a hell lot of makeup. Then I saw some kids dressed up like they were going to a marriage too. It is mandatory to look like this because you are flying-shying in an aeroplane?

What are the weirdest things people bring with them? While I was checking out both the people(wink) and the trolleys, I spotted hoola hoops and a huge ladle.

And why do some people stop in the middle of the way to greet someone causing the trolley to find a life of its own and either crashing into other people or effectively blocking the traffic.

Then there are some who are eagerly waiting to pick up someone. This variety will stand bang in the middle of the path again blocking the way, behaving like traffic policemen and hindering movement of people and trolleys as they veer either sides.

Then there are some who are so confused when they come out of the arrival lounge that after making sure that they leave the baggage in the most busy and obstructive spot, they will proceed to fish out there mobile phones and speak loudly.

Then I saw this woman checking out another woman, while I was busy checking out the expression on her face which told me what she was thinking. Achhaa usney aisey design ki sari pehni hai. May bhi kharidungi. This woman continued to stare at that woman's sari for a full
minute, turning 180 degrees when the sari woman walked past her!

Waiting to hear bloggers airport experiences J

Originally posted on Tuesday, July 11, 2006 1:41 PM

Thursday, March 20, 2008

London Diaries-II

Warning: This is long post. It is the concluding series of London diaries. These are some snippets of my trip :)

Always curious. That’s me. So I decide to walk from Blackfriars Pier to Tower Bridge. Along river Thames I start my journey. Near the Tate Modern Art Gallery, I take a wrong turn and the river side disappears. Since I know I am walking in the direction of the destination, I don’t panic. Modern architecture gives way to narrow lanes with cobbled pathways and stone archways. It is a treat to discover something old and quaint preserved right in the centre of the city.

And on a windy day I decide to go to Greenwich. To stand on the line where time begins is an amazing feeling. Around the line are names of all the capital cities and the time difference in all. I search for Delhi and I can’t find it there! I mean those %^&(* Britishers don’t have the capital city of India in the list. I do manage to spot Mumbai in the list.

While coming down from the Royal Observatory, I am busy taking photos. I miss a step and tumble down. The stone pathway is merciless as blood trickles down. After first aid and injured knee I return home limping.

That’s when I see people scurrying home. And some carrying England flags, rushing towards pubs. I watch the England vs Sweden match with a few British friends who tell me that the world mania is such that their respective offices recently held inter departmental mini world cup. A friend works in a museum. She tells me that the paleontologists lost to the finance department (and somehow it reminds me of Ross in Friends).
And this one time, I am buying souvenirs when I meet a girl from Ghana. She moans about the fact that she would like to eat homemade spicy Indian curry and I moan that I have to eat it every single day of my life! She promises to look me up when she comes to India. Lets see if that happens.

In between shopping and sight seeing I manage to squeeze in a lazy afternoon at Hyde Park. As the sun plays with the clouds, I sit and have my lunch. A rock concert is going on there. A beautiful afternoon is spent taking in the green grass and the blue skies as the music fills up my soul. A mandatory visit to the serpentine and watching the ducks in the water, the afternoon turns into evening and its time to leave.
When good girls pretend go bad, they go to Camden Town. Yes, I am Guilty. I have never seen Goths in my entire life and I wanted to go to Camden Town to ‘see’ them. Tattoos, pieced body parts, black leather clothes, silver chains, mohawks, black makeup, tough looking.

When an almost thirty something elder sister says she wants to buy leather trousers for herself, I jump at the chance and decide to shop around Camden.

We were the only Asian girls walking down the street. After doing a bit of window shopping and people staring, we got down to the agenda of buying leather trousers. Shop no. 1 - a fast talking Italian tries to sell us trousers for £100. Hasty exit. Shop no. 2 – can’t find the right size, the salesman offers to custom make it for us. On asking how much is that going to cost he says £600. We are about to beat a hasty retreat and he starts to laugh. Then he says he was just kidding. He’s trying to flirt with us. Turns out, he’s an Indian from Gujju Land (All cheesy ones belong to this place?). On establishing an Indian connection and icy response from us, we decide to check out other shops. There’s another we go to. The shop owner has a Russian accent and the trouser costs a bomb. Anyway I guess it cheaper to buy the trousers from India, so we drop the idea and just browse around.

Sticking out like sore thumbs (read: not in the Goth dress code) and getting some weird glances, we decide to leave Camden town.

And then when I walk down Knightsbridge and Oxford street later on, the contrast is there to see. Women who look like they have stepped off the ramp on to the streets walk about as nonchalantly as Goths would in Camden Town.


I realize that I have used all possible means of transport in the city as I travel in a tube, bus, train, tram, car and on foot. The only transportation I don't take there is an autorickshaw, an image of which I can see displayed in a shop window at Oxford Street.

When I decide to eat Turkish food, I am told Marble Arch is the place to visit. Every second restaurant there is called 'Maroush' just like every second Indian restuarant has the word 'Elephant' in it.

On the last day of my stay there I indulge myself – buying shoes, accessories and clothes from the high street like its my last day alive J
As all good things come to an end, so does this except while going to the airport, I cry buckets. I just don’t want to come back to India. There is so much more to see and discover. Obviously I have to come here again.

Originally posted on Tuesday, July 04, 2006 2:05 PM

London Diaries- I

The below are some observations made by me. Here's my list of ‘You know you are in London when :)

  • You spend an evening with your friends in a pub. Incidentally they are from China, Austria, Spain, India, Chile and oh England too
  • When you are walking down the street and you can identify people speaking in languages ranging from Russian to Greek
  • You can have any cuisine from Moroccon to Italian
  • Women will wear summer clothes in what I call a winter like temperature, 4 inch stilettos and walk on cobbled streets. It is called the fashion capital for a reason!
  • The weather forecasters call 23 degrees as a warm day
  • An umbrella is a daily fixture in your bag
  • At any time of the day you will find people jogging along the South Bank
  • Everyone’s reading a newspaper or a book in the tube
  • Every fifth person in Marks and Spencer is an Asian
  • The phone booth is red in colour

Maddy adds:

  • Every 3rd cab one takes, it has either an Indian or a Pakistani driver

TiM adds:

  • When u look around the high street and dont exactly get to see a Bad Looking person
  • When its supposedly raining hard and us indians still manage w/o an umbrella because its a very soft kind of rain here
  • When you see the pubs heavily crowded on a Wednesday and on a Friday
  • When for every chota sa touch/push people say sorry and excuse me and
  • When you see everyone carrying an oyster card

Any more to add on?

Travel series continues :)

Is anyone else also having a problem with 'web vies' counter? Mine show's 0 everytime I post something new.

Update on the web views counter - Seems it is working today :D

Originally posted on Monday, July 03, 2006 3:59 PM

London Changed!

I visited this city after three long years. The moment I landed to the moment I boarded the flight back, I could feel an invisible eye following me all around. I don't know if it is a direct after effect of the 7/7 attack or the city has started to live on an edge but there were CCTV cameras everywhere.

Wherever I looked there was a camera peeking about. In stores, on the streets, in the tube, buses, trains, trams, stations, museums, art galleries, loos (yes...even that!) not in cubicles but near the wash basins.

On an average it is very easy for the officials to track where I went, how I went, what I did, what I shopped, what and where I ate, how much time I spent in one place. The cameras followed me and tracked me everywhere.

Someone practically know how I spent my entire day!

It is definitely unnerving when you know that the only place you are not been watched is inside your home. But there are talks of neighbourhood CCTVs as well.

And as a londoner told me that you get used to the cameras after a while, I wondered if it is acceptable to compromise the lack of privacy for the safety of the people.

Post on the actual vacation coming soon
Originally posted on Tuesday, June 27, 2006 11:48 AM

Crib Time

Date: 07/06/06

This post is written soley to crib.

Why does Murphy loves me so much? Why is everything going wrong? I mean it was just a bloody fever and sore throat and now I have a horrible allergic reaction to the medicine. And I am in the office.

And I am going on a holiday this weekend and I can't afford to be unwell. I haven't done my packing as yet. This sucks big time.

Date: 08/06/06 - An Update

Crib Time: Almost Over

Update- I am feeling better today. The allergy is almost gone. There is no sign of the fever *touchwood*. I did half of the packing yesterday. There is a song on my lips. Now it feels like I am going on a holiday. I am leaving on a jet plane.....

This list will get me in my spirits. So here goes, in no particular order, the things I am looking forward to-

  • Gorging on Muller's Yogurt (Actually salivating at the thought), Chocolate Muffins, Cakes (Advantages of been slim)
  • Turkish, Italian, Any Interesting Food
  • Window shopping on Oxford Street, High Street Kensington
  • Buying trinkets at Portobello Road, Camden Town
  • Sitting at Covent Garden, Hyde Park, South Bank
  • Visiting all the museums and art galleries yet again
  • Catching a play or a musical

Date: 09/06/06 - Another Update

Crib Time: OVER!!!

I am feeling fine *touchwood* . And all set to go. A little apprehensive because a new boss is coming in the time I am on my leave. I planned my leave in such a way that it would not happen but with Mr. Murphy's presence, these things are bound to happen. So there will be some changes when I will not be around. I am hoping that things remain under control because there is no dearth of back stabbing colleagues.

Anyway, my schedule is totally packed today. After office I have to meet a few close friends who I will not see for two weeks and who will kill me because it will be a flying visit from your's truly. Then I have to go for dinner at a relative's place and then do my packing. Yes procastination rules. Yes, I haven't packed completely and I leave tomorrow morning. So many things to do, so little time. I need a clone today!!! :D :D


Finally... I am leaving. Yippeee!!!!! Take care everyone. Love and hugs to all. See you all after a break :)

Originally posted on Wednesday, June 07, 2006 10:22 AM