Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Its Not Really A Writers Block.

It is ironic that after the last post, I am writing this.

I have been meaning to write but since the past few weeks or so, I just couldn’t get down to it. Write about Nithari? Saddam’s hanging? A feel good post on the New Year? Analyze the Indo- US Nuke deal? Homeless people and winters? Fiction? More Poetry?

Words formed in my head. Then turned into sentences. And then into thoughts. I shook my head. Did not feel like blogging. I wondered what was wrong with me.

Maybe my honeymoon with blogging was over. Its like dragging a dead weight with me. A relationship which seemed exciting once was ending into a bitter divorce now. I blog-hopped but rarely left a comment somewhere. Even on my post, I languidly replied to comments.

I still haven’t figured out what’s wrong with me. And I have no idea why I am writing this post. Maybe just to change the wallpaper.

Au Revoir. Till I come out of this state of stupor.

Or maybe it is a writers' block.

P.S: Why doesn't O3 allow use of apostrophe in headings? Its irritating.


Update - Jan 18
Looks like I came out of the stupor. Just posted a new one, out of the blue!!

Originally posted on Tuesday, January 16, 2007 3:06 PM

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