Friday, August 22, 2008

Time For A Rant

Too much work pressure can lead you to making some mistakes. What I really mean is you are mentally fatigued and you overlook a certain thing and the next thing you know is you have made a serious blunder and the project has suffered because of that. Sometimes the only way to rectify it is to make sure you don't make the same mistake again. Other times there is hope that damage control will be able to salvage the project.

After panicking and chiding myself and calling myself all kinds of names and putting myself though mental agony and calling up ‘always there friend (atf)’ and telling that I am no good and atf telling me that’s its okay and we all make mistakes and anyway its not a very big blunder and after feeling very low I decided to get back to work.

Um… all is not lost (some thing to do with baby faced people getting away with mistakes?) because a brain storming session later, the project is back on track. Keeping my fingers crossed, and having already faced a few hiccups, hope things will sail smoothly from here and Mr. Murphy will find someone else to torture.

Update: Just came to know that it wasn't a really big goof up and I wasn't completely wrong. And I put myself through mental agony for all that... grr @ me....

Update 2: Updated my photo blog

Originally posted on Friday, September 01, 2006 5:36 PM

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