Friday, October 26, 2007

I have (a few) Questions.

After an emotinally draining past few weeks, I am back.

When the bomb blasts happened in Delhi, I was appalled and shocked. Somehow you think that terrorism can't touch you. When an obscure Kashmiri group claims responsibilty, it puts Kashmir back on the map.

When I wrote the blog about Qazi (of fame gurukul) and Kashmir, I had written the following about Kashmir and Kashmiris-

Is it a sign of changing times? Does it mean that things are improving? I also see a feeling of mutual mistrust melting away. For once, I hope I am right.

After the Delhi bomb blasts, the mistrust has creeped back in. Someone speaks to a Kashmiri friend of mine and says “Yaar, yeh tuney kya karwa diya?“. Though that someone says it jokingly, the underlying tone is not. The friend tells me in despair “Look, they start pointing fingers at anyone belonging to a certain community.“

I remember this comment on my blog by Sam:

But then it takes just a couple of bomb blasts in the mainland to weave the
mistrust right back in.

The man on the street condemns the blast. Shows the spirit and fights back. Doesn't bow down. Says this is wrong. Some even tell me “Maybe Hindus might do something on Eid.“ People see it as a fight of Hindu Vs Muslim. The educated ones probably don't. This statement makes me think that we are solving the pupose of those f*$#ing terrorists, you know, dividing the people of this country. I do not want to classify it as a fight between the communities. Its much more deeper than that if you scratch the surface.

I ask you all, why do we equate everything


How do you know they weren't from accross the border? Why don't we see that it is the vested interest of many to make sure the divide between the people remains afloat? Gullible as people usually tend to be, I wish we could all be a little more skeptic and question things around us.

A gentleman named Amit comments:

We indian need to solve the lable such as Kashmiri, Punjabi, Gujarati and is a high time that we come out of our ethnic groupings and start
realizing that we are indians...i am not saying shut your door completely on the
ethnic background..becuase it is something that makes our homeland so diverse
and one of the most exciting places in the world..but i guess we put too much
stress on our ethinicity....

Atul tells me:
I'm sick of reading about killings and bomb blasts. Let's do the right thing now
- ask people of Kashmir what they want. If we are so sure that most of the
Kashmiris want to be part of India then what are we waiting for - let's go for a
poll.....However, there are many good things about this country called India. We
Indians are more tolerant to different cultures, people and religion. Can you
imagine a Hindu, Muslim or Jew president in the US or a holiday for Eid or

Why do we forget the above when something like Delhi blasts occur? Is it because the majority is a Hindu population? What about innocent people killed in J&K? How many would say that J&K issue has not been solved because at stake lie careers of many terrorist(pun intended)politicians and leaders.

Syed says:

....please treat it as a human issue. India has mistreated us badly, rigged our
elections(as finally accepted by Mr vajpayee as regretfull ),never allowed
access to amnesty international, human rights watch or any other internatinally
aclaimed human rights organisation.There are still eight thousand people missing
in indian custody. nearly twentfour thousand in jails even without access to a
trial, another corrupt puppet regime. We are just a prestige point for india and
humans in the place dont count...I dont hate INDIAN PEOPLE , if people of
kashmir, choose INDIA i will be an INDIAN .....we can be (called) an
offspring of bitterly divorced parents(INDIA AND PAKISTAN)

WeRUnited adds:

In India, democracy doesn't gurranty that all our issues will be solved but
there are ways to tackle issues here, there is process at least. You are
thinking of injustice to Kashmir who is more responsible, answer is "Terrorism"
which vanished all business out there. We should together fight to eliminate it
as united country..... I think, whatever may be the cause terrorism is not the
solution. If everybody start doing that, there won't be any question of "Human
issue"..... we all be end up fighting.

I want to conclude by saying that we as citizens of this country must make sure that the government is answerable to us (Right to Information act is a step in that direction). We must question things happening around us. We can't afford to be passive because if we are, then the politicians of this country will take us for a ride.

If we, together, project a united face then no force can divide us. Five fingers together make a fist The fingers may be of different sizes and shapes (as is our cultural ethenicity) but there is strength in a fist. We must be able to look at the deeper meaning of things than pass a judgement based on the superficial information/media reports/opinions. Wat say guys??

Originally posted on Thursday, November 03, 2005 1:08 PM

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