Thursday, October 25, 2007

Kashmir+Fame Gurukul= Hope. Or Is It?

Qazi has become one half of the fame jodi (The music show on Sony called Fame Gurukul). The guy recieved many brickbats ranging from he can't sing to he is the poor man's version of Hritik Roshan. I am not going to defend him.

I like to look at the bigger picture. A young guy from Kashmir comes to Mumbai with dreams in his eyes and those dreams get fulfilled. You would say- no big deal. I think its a big deal because this generation of Kashmiris have seen nothing but strife and aggression. The people of Kasmhir picked up arms in 1989. Rebellion followed but by 1994 most surrendered. The young children saw many of their ilk been killed, brutally tortured and if you look in the eyes of any Kashmiri (Hindu or Muslim) you will see this haunted expression.

Kashmiris were at fault and created unrest and the Indian army had to control the 'situation' somehow. But if someone takes an extreme step like this, there has to be a damn good reason. In the process many innocent people lost their lives. Ask any Kashmiri if they have lost someone in their family to militancy and their answer will always be in affirmative.

Decades back, Kashmir was the jewel of Indian crown. And it was said that if there is heaven on earth, then it is here. Ironically the situation has become if there is hell on earth, it is here. Where once hindi movies were shot, there are no movie halls in Srinagar anymore. They have all closed down. Where you could hear the music once, you only hear bullet shots. So if a young lad from the strife torn region of this country comes out the shadow of guns to pursue music, I see hope.

Is it a sign of changing times? Does it mean that things are improving? I also see a feeling of mutual mistrust melting away. For once, I hope I am right.

Originally posted on Friday, October 21, 2005 11:39 AM

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