Thursday, October 25, 2007

Relationships: To live for or die for? Better yet, walk away....

Once a colleague of mine's better to have loved and lost than not to have loved at all. Topic of discussion: Relationships. In today's time relatioships are becoming more fragile. Why?

Two reasons crop up in my mind.

1. We are more aware of what is right or wrong. If I am not compatible with someone, I'll not stay in such a relationship. I need to be mentally and intellectually challenged to be in a relationship. Himbos don't work for me... In olden times (i.e. the previous generation) people stuck around with one another, irrespective of the fact whether they were happy together or not. 'Compromise' was the key word there. Divorce was taboo. Making a decision about choosing your own life partner wasn't completely acceptable. Times started changing, though rural india follows the above, urban india is changing. We have a choice- we can walk out of a relationship and start over again. Though its difficult to pick up the pieces, still...

2. People don't wait around to see if things could work out (It doesn't mean been stuck in an abusive relationship or relation not based on equality). Compromise is a bad word only if one of the partners is bending his/her back. To make any relation work, you need to accept the whole package. Everyone has his/her quirks and you need to live with them. Leaving the toothpaste cap open, wet towel on the bed may irritate you but they are not an earth shattering events. What matters is the integrity of a human beign, faithfulness, trust and ability to deal with situations and stick around in tough times. We live in a real world with real people.

Films, books and media in general, project an 'ideal happy relation'. Perfect parents, kids, jobs, partners etc. Behind every successful relation, is a lot of hard work and some amount of compromise.

Compromise only if you don't lose yourself in a relation. 'Two become One' is a sweet notion but you can't be a shadow of the other. You need to be the mirror and retain your individuality. Wat say guys?

Originaly posted on Tuesday, October 11, 2005 3:47 PM

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